Webinar IAU · The Future of International Collaboration and Academic Partnerships

Os hacemos llegar información (en inglés) del webinar organizado por la IAU sobre el futuro de la internacionalización y colaboración con partners académicos en tiempos de Covid-19 que se celebrará el próximo jueves 12 de noviembre. Para asistir es necesario inscribirse a través del formulario de inscripción habilitado.


THE FUTURE OF INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION AND ACADEMIC PARTNERSHIPS, in collaboration with Boston College's Center for International Higher Education

Thursday, 12 November 2020 | 2:30pm - 4:00pm CET (Paris time, GMT +1) / 8:30am - 10am EST

During this webinar panelists will discuss how international collaboration and academic partnerships have changed in the context of the disruption due to COVID-19 and how it might evolve in the future. We will explore the impact of travel restrictions - will they trigger increased collaboration within regions and with neighbor countries or will the increased development of online/virtual cooperation weaken the regional partnerships to the benefit of collaboration at global scale instead?

Higher education experts from different regions of the world will share their views and analysis of the situation.

- Chair: Hans de Wit, Director, Boston College's Center for International Higher Education

- Panelists:

  • Kalyani Unkule, Associate Professor, JGLS and Director & Head of the Office of Alumni Relations, O.P Jindal Global University
  • Orla Quinlan, President, International Education Association of South Africa
  • Susan Buck Sutton, former President of Association of International Education Administrators; Senior Advisor for Internationalization, American Council on Education


Se puede ampliar información de los diferentes webinar que organiza IAU durante el mes de noviembre en este enlace.